Thursday, April 8, 2010

Challenge Accepted and Completed!!!

This last Saturday and Sunday were the hardest days we’ve had here so far!! Last week we had interviews with all the potential DRIME Benin leaders and then the weekend was spent actually making the final decision. It was a very difficult and challenging decision to make!! All 6 people who applied are amazing people and would have been great to have on the leadership team but we had to pick the best combination of people. We spent all of Saturday in prayer and discussion over who the best people for this team would be. Each of us spent the morning on our own to have personal prayer and devotions time with God, and then we got together in the afternoon to discuss all our thoughts and what God has been revealing to us about these people. Our discussion lasted for about 6 hours (I KNOW – SOOO LONG!!) with a few breaks so we didn’t make our final decision until 10:30pm!! But we made a unanimous decision!!!! That’s’s done and we have a leadership team!!! On Sunday, we told the 6 people our decision. It was very hard for me to tell the 2 people who we didn’t choose to be on the team. I’m glad we told them as a team because I think I would have fallen apart otherwise. They seemed to be okay with our decision and expressed interest to still be on the team so that’s good! And it was great to tell the people who are on the team – they were so excited!!
So here is the DRIME Leadership Team on the left!! Even though the process was soooo hard, it feels so good to finally have a team and start training them to lead this ministry! On Wednesday, we had our very first meeting with the DRIME Benin leadership team!!! Wooooot!!!! It was sooo fun!! We gave them little Canada gift bags and everything!! (you can see them in the picture) And they all get along so well and work really well together, so it just confirmed that we have the right team!

Prayer Requests and Praise Items:
o Continued health and safety (the burn on my leg is doing much much better so thanks for your prayers!!)
o Praise God that we finally have an amazing leadership team!! Pray for us as we start training them this week and prepare for a leader retreat next weekend
o We are doing ministry with GAiN on Friday and Saturday in a village. Pray that we will be able to share Christ with lots of people and that many hearts and lives will be changed
o Pray for Michele and Abby (from DRIME) who are coming in May and that all the details would come together perfectly


  1. AWESOME! What are their names?

  2. Their names are Rachelle, Martin, Olivier and Calixte! Of course you have to say all those names with French accents! :) hahahaha!!!
