Sunday, February 7, 2010

Leaving This Week!!

Hi Everyone!!

Welcome to my first blog entry!!

This is the place to get regular updates about my time in Benin, Africa over the next few months. Thanks already for your prayers and support as I prepare to leave!!

I can't believe I leave in 3 days already!! Wow - time has gone by so fast!
I have attached a picture of my team - there is me, Jamie, Janna and Abby (from left to right). Janna, Jamie and I leave this week and Abby will come in May. Our plane leaves Wednesday morning at 7am and then we have about 2 days of travel. First we travel to Salt Lake City, then Paris, and finally Cotonou (the city where I will be living in Benin). We are renting a house in Cotonou and will probably take the first few days to settle in and recover from all the travel!

I'm hoping to upload a new blog post before the end of next week - so stay tuned!!

I do have a couple prayer requests right now:

  • Safety and health during travel
  • That all the logistics involved with flying will work out (ie. that we would have no delays, that our luggage would arrive with us!)
  • That Janna, Jamie and I would adjust well to the culture and our new living arrangements
  • That all our remaining financial needs would be taken care of

Thank you sooo much for your prayers!!! I appreciate them more than you know!



  1. 3 days!!!! I am sooo excited for you that you have this opportunity!
    If you don't update this fairly regularly, I will get on your case for it. So you better! Lots of pictures, lots of stories!

    All the best for your travels!

    P.S. What a great looking team!

  2. so sad to say goodbye to you, but i'm so excited for what you're doing. God is going to use you in amazing ways. Know that we'll be praying for you, and we'll be looking for tons of updates!!
